Located at: 8 Aberdeen Merlin Ontario N0P1W0 Tel: 5196894261

416-Florist.com knows how to utterly please its customers with the right flower arrangement for any funeral service occasion, they make the proceeding a smooth one leaving the customers always satisfied When you spend a minimum of $69.00 you will receive a free delivery with the Secord & Parker Funeral Svc online coupon code. With a partnership with 416-Florist the picturesque image of that stunning flower arrangement that you have in mind for the funeral arrangements of your loved one, will be fulfilled to your greatest needs.

My Fair Lady by Teleflora


$124.99 - $149.99 40%
$64.99 - $74.99

Madonna Sympathy Floral Arrangement


$194.99 - $259.99

Deepest Sympathies Standing Basket


$129.99 - $229.99 4%
$124.99 - $224.99

Blue and White Sympathy Spray


$197.99 - $261.99

Lavender & White Tribute Standing Spray


$149.99 - $379.99

Bright Funeral Standing Spray


$149.99 - $379.99

Multi-Color Standing Spray Wreath


$249.99 - $289.99 40%
$149.99 - $199.99
Showing 265 - 271 of 271 items
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